China busts online piracy website2013-07-25

Beijing police have arrested 11 suspects allegedly involved in a major online provider of high-definition film downloads, whose scale of piracy was described by authorities as “unprecedented.”

Nation condemns US' IPR watch list2013-07-25

The Chinese government expressed deep regret about the United States’ decision to once again put China on its “priority watch list” of countries that are not providing protection of intellectual property rights or fair access to US companies.

New progress on China's software legalization2013-07-24

After central and provincial governmental departments in China have completed software legalization, by this April, 62.15% municipal governments and 32.85% official authorities at county level will have eliminated the use of pirated software.

IP Scene (2013-07-24)2013-07-24

Intellectual property protection news around the nation

Generics get ready as Viagra hits 'patent cliff'2013-07-24

Chinese generic drug makers are now preparing for a possible big payday when the patent on Pfizer's blockbuster drug Viagra expires in China next July.

Long conflict over QQ continues into court2013-07-24

QQ is a household name in China. Not only mega-popular online chat software developed by Tencent, it is also a best-selling car from domestic automaker Chery.

HK launches IP exchange2013-07-23

Hong Kong’s first online intellectual property trading platform, known as the HKIPEx, was launched on April 18th.

Lawsuits involving overseas parties surge in Shanghai2013-07-18

The number of intellectual property rights lawsuits that involve an overseas party saw a major spike in Shanghai last year amid an even higher increase in the overall number of IP-related cases.

UK law allows anyone to use Instagram images2013-07-11

Professional and amateur photographers will have to face changes to UK’s copyright law, which has been modified in order to allow others to use pictures posted in sites like Instagram, Flickr and Facebook.

World Health Assembly: IP considerations play key role in final outcomes2013-07-11

The 66th World Health Assembly adopted a range of public health resolutions and decisions, some with key IP implications.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services