IP Scene2014-10-15

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

New policies to focus on small business growth2014-10-15

The State Intellectual Property Office released a range of new policies to support innovation and growth of micro businesses.

Tire design database to prevent patent disputes2014-10-15

China's first design patent database for tire tread will be released.

IP Scene (2014-09-24)2014-09-24

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

Skilled bow-maker preserves traditions and helps disabled2014-09-24

Bows handmade by local craftsman Osung Dorje were welcomed by athletes at the third biennial Five Colorful Holy Arrows International Ethnic Archery Invitational Tournament in Jainca county in Qinghai province.

Decade-long QQ trademark dispute receives final verdict2014-09-24

Chinese automaker Chery has prevailed against China's biggest social media company Tencent, after a decade-long wrangle over the ownership of the trademark QQ for use in vehicles.

Don’t let “bad money drives out good”2014-09-18

“Bad money drives out good,” also known as Gresham’s law, applies specifically when there are two forms of commodity money in circulation which are legally required to have similar face values but different actual values, then the artificially overvalued money (bad money) tends to drive an artificially undervalued money (good money) out of circulation.

IP Scene (2014-09-17)2014-09-17

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

Fair spotlight on environment and energy patents2014-09-17

Sun Yong attracted attention at the China International Patent Fair in Dalian, Liaoning province, on Sept 12.

Conference calls for more patent commercialization2014-09-17

What a two-day patent information meeting discussed was "of particular significance to slow recovery of the global economic situation and robust advancement of digital technology".

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services