Voyager smart treadmill lets you interact with outside world2013-07-09

Designed by II-Seop Yoon, Voyager Smart Treadmill sports a huge display combined with an interactive system that can display virtual reality that is synced with your running speed in real time.

China and Indonesia signs MOU2013-07-05

On April 9th, Commissioner of State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China Tian Lipu met the Indonesian delegation of IPR led by their Minister of Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Indonesia, Amir Syamsudin.

IP protection scored low by the public2013-07-05

China received a social satisfaction score of 63.69 points for its intellectual property protection in 2012. The score indicated an overall low evaluation by the public in this regard.

IP Scene (2013-07-03)2013-07-03

Intellectual property protection news around the nation

Patent disputes decried as cover for protectionism2013-07-03

Trade friction over intellectual property rights is being cited by some countries as a pretext to implement protectionism, a senior Chinese government official said, according to Shanghai Securities News.

Rules to ban advertising 'well-known trademarks'2013-07-03

Owners of products recognized as well-known Chinese trademarks can no longer use the legal designation on their product packages or advertisement, according to the second draft version of an amendment to the trademark law submitted to China's top legislative body on June 26.

Plight of protection of merchandising rights and breakthrough in practice2013-07-02

It is well known that currently there is no uniform global system in place that protects merchandising rights, to say nothing of mature international legislation, but exploration is underway.

IP Scene (2013-06-26)2013-06-26

Intellectual property protection news around the nation

Web portals now feed demand for foreign TV series2013-06-26

In an effort to repeat the success Sohu had when it imported the hot US TV series House of Cards,other major Chinese video websites are jumping on the bandwagon with plans to introduce more foreign films and dramas.

IP rights to rubber duck in focus for design week2013-06-26

Though it may seem child's play to some, the ongoing issue over rights to a rubber duck design will be a highlight of this year's Beijing Design Week.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services