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Zhao Shukai


Zhao Shukai
Zhao Shukai


Ph.D.in Political Science, Renmin University of China, P.R.China

M.A.in Sociology, Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C (Communist Party of China), P.R.China

B.A.in Chinese Literature, Shandong University, P.R.China

Employment Record

2014-Present, Director-General, Information Center of DRC, P.R.China.

2000-2013, Deputy General Secretary, China Development Research Foundation, DRC, P.R.China.

2003-2005, Vice-Secretary of CPC (Communist Party of China), Zhuolu County Committee, Hebei Province, P.R.China.

1995-2000, Director, Department of Rural Organizational Studies, DRC, P.R.China.

1990-1995, Deputy Director, Department of Rural Organizational Studies, DRC, P.R.China. [1993-1995, Editor of Wanli Collections, CCCPC (Central Committee of the Communist Party of China), Part time work]

1982-1987, Assistant Research Fellow, Research Center for Rural Development, the State Council (the Office for Rural Policy Studies, CCCPC), P.R.China.

Visiting Study Abroad

Sep 2012-Jan 2013, Guest Professor, University of Tübingen, Germany.

Sep 2010-Feb 2011, Coordinate Research Scholar, Harvard-Yenching Institute, USA.

Apr 2011-Jun 2011, Jun 2008-Sep 2008, Jun-Sep 2003, Executive Training Program on Public Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA.

Jul 2007, Enterprise Management Advanced Training Course, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK.

Jul 2001-Jul 2002, Coordinate Research Scholar, the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, USA.

Jun 2000-Jun 2001, Visiting Scholar, the Asian Pacific Studies Institute, Duke University, USA

Jul 1996-Jan 1997, Visiting Scholar, Contemporary China Centre, Australian National University, Australia.

Main Publications

Township Governance and Institution (Published in Chinese), The Commercial Press, 2010

Politics of Farmers (Published in Chinese), The Commercial Press, 2011

Mandate of Farmers (Published in Chinese), The Commercial Press, 2012

Change of a Dynasty by Farmers (Published in Chinese), The Commercial Press, 2013

Farmers and Reform (Published in Chinese), National School of Administration Press, 2014

Rural Governance in the Midst of Under Funding, M. E. Sharp, 2006

Township Governance and Institutionalization in China, World Scientific, 2013