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Stephen Perry


The 48 Group has championed trade and investment with China since 1952, and, more recently, has focused on helping corporate leaders and policy makers understand Chinese policies and their impacts and the choices that are thereby offered up.

Spencer Lake


Spencer Lake was appointed Global Head of Capital Financing with effect from August 2013.

Song Zhiyi


Graduated from Guanghua Management Institute of Peking University with a Bachelor’s degree and MBA. Senior Engineer.

Shinichi Nakabayashi


Shinichi worked at the IMF – Singapore Regional Training Institute from 2011 to 2015. He was a professor of public policy at Tokyo University from 2008.

Sergei Luzianin


Acting Director of Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Science Specialist on international relations in Asia-Pacific region, Central Asia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Sachin Chaturvedi


Professor Sachin Chaturvedi was also a Global Justice Fellow at the MacMillan Center for International Affairs at Yale University.

Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz


Previously, Colombia’s international negotiations delegate; Principal Adviser, Minister of Economic Development

Philippe Scholtès


Philippe Scholtès is also Director of the Agribusiness Development Branch at the Vienna headquarters.