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Jinjiang Baby Art Park to grow as first provincial Sino-Korea industrial platform

Updated : 2016-05-13

Jinjiang Baby Art Park to grow as first provincial Sino-Korea industrial platform

Jinjiang's Baby Art Park is expecting many small South Korean enterprises to locate to the city after a cooperation agreement covering the fields of technology, research, and industrial design was signed on May 11 to mark the beginning of collaboration between Fujian province and South Korea.

Jinjiang is a major manufacturing hub for infant and children's products, and the Baby Art Park specializes in this area. Hundreds of Korean brands covering make-up, food, shoes and clothing, as well as café chains will be introduced to form a Korean Creative Pavilion at the park.

In addition to opening standard shops and outlets, the park will also provide its own online e-commerce platform for the Korean enterprises.

The Korean Creative Pavilion will just be the start of the cooperation. The Jinjiang Infants and Children Supply Innovation Union has been formed to learn from Korean enterprises in order to enter global markets in the future. Advantages like Korean design, technology and even teamwork will all be introduced to the union and help to improve Jinjiang’s enterprises.

China's vast market and strong manufacturing capability attract Korean firms, and Jinjiang is particularly interested in Korean design. It is expected that the both sides will join hands to better explore the global market using "Made in China" quality and Korean design style.

Many Korean enterprises made their debut in Jinjiang earlier this year at the 18th Jinjiang Footwear & Sports International Expo held, arousing lots of attention.

While in the past local enterprises lacked the collaboration and integration to enter the global market, the Baby Art Park was built to be a high-end industrial platform. The park is expected to develop as a well-equipped platform for product experience, brand exhibitions, e-commerce, research centers, talents cultivation, a youth venture center and storage logistics center.




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