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4th Session of 11th Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress begins

2011-January-20 14:27:13

The Fourth Session of the 11th Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress kicked off in Hangzhou on Jan 16.

Zhao Hongzhu, executive chairman of the Congress, declared the session open. Lv Zushan, governor of East China’s Zhejiang province, issued a work report at the session, concluding the work of the 11th Five-Year Plan period (2006-2010).

4th Session of 11th Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress begins

Faced with the great impact of the international financial crisis and frequent natural disasters, the people of Zhejiang have succeeded in fulfilling the tasks set for them in the 11th Five-Year Plan period, which laid a solid foundation for the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015).

To make further progress, Lv said the government must ensure quick and stable economic development as well as provide for social stability, vigorously promote restructuring, pragmatically improve living standards, and continuously improve the level of scientific development.

After the session, Zhao Hongzhu participated in a meeting of the Hangzhou delegation to deliberate over the “Government Work Report” and the “12th Five Year Plan (Draft).” Zhao highly praised the work of Hangzhou, saying that Hangzhou, as the capital city of Zhejiang, has sound bases in all aspects. He also urged Hangzhou to seize every opportunity to actively forge ahead, bring its own advantages into full play, draw on the advanced experience of foreign regions, and continue to play a leading role in all fields of the province.

4th Session of 11th Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress begins

And he also stressed that Hangzhou should make efforts to accelerate the transformation of its economic development mode, promote economic upgrading, and lead the way to becoming a moderately prosperous city.

By Xie Fang & Yang Rongfang

Polished by Nathan Place



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