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5th Session of 9th CPPCC Hangzhou Committee begins

2011-January-26 16:38:54

The fifth Session of 9th CPPCC Hangzhou Committee was convened in the Zhengjiang People’s Great Hall on Jan 22, 2011.

5th Session of 9th CPPCC Hangzhou Committee begins

Over the course of the session, which will last 4 and a half days, nearly 500 committee members will assemble to discuss the city affairs and offer suggestions.

Zhu Baochun, vice chairman of the CPPCC Hangzhou Committee declared the session open and Sun Zhonghuan, chairman of the CPPCC Hangzhou Committee made the work report.

In the report, he spoke highly of the achievements made by the committee, focusing on: carrying out political consultation on major issues within the city; enhancing democratic supervision of the issues of most concern to the people; participating in the administration and discussion of the direction development is currently taking in the area; launching communication activities; engaging in publicizing works and strengthening the CPPCC as an institution.

Sun pointed out that 2011, as the inaugural year of the 12th Five-year Plan (2011-2015) will witness both historical opportunities and challenges.

Over the year, four tasks should be accomplished: improving living conditions; building a learning, innovative and ecological city; enhancing communication between all parties; coordinating all activities; and encouraging the committee to function in a more structured and rationalized manner.

Zhang Bilai, vice chairman of the CPPCC Hangzhou Committee, also made a report on committee progress since the 4th session.

According to him, the standing committee of the CPPCC Hangzhou Committee made remarkable achievements in encouraging all committee members to offer proposals and supervise their implementation.

During the session, the most successful proposals of 2010 were commended. And a list of the most outstanding Cultural and Historical books collected by the Committee has also been announced.

By Xie Fang & Yang Rongfang

Polished by Natalie Thomas


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