
Sewage water treatment work in Equatorial Guinea starts

Updated: 2008-02-21

Sewage water treatment work in Equatorial Guinea starts

Intense and orderly construction site

PROYECTO DE CONSTRUCCIóN DEL SISTEMA DE RED DE CANALIZACIóN Y TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES Y AGUAS PLUVIALES DE LA CIUDAD DE MALABO, the first project contracted by CGGC was started on Feb 15, 2008. Responsible person from the Ministerio de Infraestructuras y Urbanismo praised CGGC highly for our quick preparation for timely commencement of the Project.

Equatorial Guinea is one of the African market to be expanded with focus by CGGC who has earned the trust of Malabo municipal government and won the reputation of good performance through the smooth commencement and implementation of the said Project.


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