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Beijing–Hong Kong–Macau Expressway
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Updated: 2012-01-11

According to the news from the traffic police office of Qingyuan, since the sections of the Beijing–Hong Kong–Macau Expressway in Qingyuan District (to North: 2045 km-2037 km sections) has been taken into safety control measure, the sections (to South: 2084 km-2090 km sections) will also be under safe control measure. The new control measure will be taken during Spring Festival holidays and the maximum speed for vehicles will be reduced from 120km to 100km. Speeding vehicles will be penalized.

The previous section that is under safe control measures was closed because of the potential traffic accidents that might occur in the area. There are two big arc corners and three long downhill pavements. Since the implementation of a series of safe control measures, the traffic accident rate decreased dramatically. According to the statistics, four serious traffic accidents happened from January to August in 2010. After taking the Safe control measures, only one person died in a serious traffic accident from September to December in 2010, and no one died in traffic accidents in 2011. The new section that is under safe control measure is located near the Tangtang Exit, and consists of dangerous long downhill pavements. Even though the section is only 6 kilometers long, 55 traffic accidents happened at this section last year. The No.1 traffic police office of Qingyuan said the vehicle top speed can be no greater than 100 kilometers per hour in the new section and hard trucks are not allowed to be in the car lane. The traffic police office will add more flow speed measurement stations and speeding vehicles will be punished.

The Tangwei Bridge on 106 National Road is under reconstruction and more vehicles drive to the Guangdong province from Jiangxi Province via the S10 Expressway. The traffic flow has increased dramatically these days. Now the Beijing–Hong Kong–Macau Expressway has a two way average daily traffic flow of 50,000 vehicles and it will reach the peak during the Spring Festival holidays with 100,000 vehicles expected per day.

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