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Feixia scenic zone will play an essential part in Qingyuan' tourism industry


Liao Zhenling visited the Feixia scenic zone recently.

89 pieces of the finest Huanglong jade was exhibited in Longhu


89 pieces of the finest Huanglong jade were exhibited at the Longhu International Alpine Garden located on Zhouxin Street in the Qingcheng District.

The first provincial "Happy kitchen" demonstration site was put into use in Qingyuan


"Happy kitchen" was established at Daping Primary School, located in Lixi town, Yingde city, Guangdong province. Starting on January 7

Beijing–Hong Kong–Macau Expressway


The new control measure will be taken during Spring Festival holidays and the maximum speed for vehicles will be reduced from 120km to 100km. Speeding vehicles will be penalized.

Chang Woe-Ryong watched Dalian Aerbin football team training in Qingyuan


The Dalian Aerbin football team is training in Qingyuan, Guangdong Province.

Qingyuan leads to establish Inter-district Mediation and Coordination Mechanism


The mechanism fully meets the requirement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Ministry of Justice, and has been made a great process at present

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