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Two "consortiums" won the best general plan for Shunde industry area


An international Master Plan Examination and Appraisal Meeting was held in Shunde in Qingyuan city of the Guangdong province from Nov 30 to Dec 1

"Qingyuan chicken" food and tourism culture festival


The 2011"Qingyuan chicken" Culture Festival of Food and Tourism will be held in Yiwu International Trade City.

Special assistant to ASEAN secretary-general visits Qingyuan


Jack Chen and Wu Ming made an inspection tour to Qingyuan city in November.

Art photography competition unveiled in Qingyuan


Meet and Love Legends, Yi Feng Ya Ju Art Photography Competition, kicked off at the Lilac Garden Hotel on Nov 13.

Senior municipal official surveys non-ferrous metal enterprises


He Binghua, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee, took the lead and made practical surveys in some non-ferrous metal enterprises in the city on November 10. He supervised progress of projects under construction.

Press conference of 7th Lianzhou International Photography promoted in Beijing


The press conference of 7th Lianzhou International Photography annual exhibition was held recently at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art at the Beijing 798 art zone.

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