Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-19

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Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Rosa hybrid, is rated as one of the ten most noted flower species in China. It is also considered a major flowering variety in the world. The plant has quite abundant colors. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Kolkwitzia amabilis, the common name is beauty bush, is a Chinese plant. It is a member of the honeysuckle family. Bell-shaped, pink flowers with yellow throats appear in clusters in a profuse mid-spring bloom (late April to early May in the garden). Foliage of this cultivar reportedly produces best color in sun-filtered part shade locations. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

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