Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-19

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Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Jasminum beesianum, in the genus of Jasminum and native to China, is a twining, semi-evergreen climber producing bright pink, fragrant flowers in June and July followed by glossy black berries in winter. Perfect for quickly covering walls, fences and pergolas, Jasminum beesianum can also be trained over arches and seating areas where you can best appreciate its delicate fragrance. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Weigela florida, a deciduous shrub and commonly found in northern China, is a dense, rounded shrub. Funnel-shaped, rose pink flowers bloom profusely with a sparse and scattered repeat bloom often occurring in mid to late summer. Flowers are attractive to hummingbirds. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

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