Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-05-19

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Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Rosa rugosa, commonly known as beach tomato or sea tomato, is a suckering shrub and is widely used as an ornamental plant in Chinese gardens. Its flowers, which make an appearance from April to May, are pleasantly scented, dark pink to white, six-nine centimeters across with somewhat wrinkled petals. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season

Jasminum odoratissimum, a Chinese shrub, has dark ad evergreen leaves, and typically star-shaped, highly fragrant, bright yellow flowers from spring through fall. [Photo from WeChat: csnbgsh]

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