• Party secretary visits Kunming Hi-Tech Zone


    Jin Zhiwei visited the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone.

  • Kunming Aquatic Science Park leads water technology


    It has gathered major water companies in China and abroad and engages in water conservation, wastewater treatment, equipment manufacturing, water recycling and purification, water environment protection and water management solutions.

  • Yunnan Copper expands production


    Officials from the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone recently visited Yunnan Copper to study its production and management in the first quarter.

  • Qujing officials visit Kunming Hi-Tech Zone


    The Party secretary of the Qujing Economic Development Zone, Li Jinyun, brought a delegation to the Kunming Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, on May 13.

  • Bayer acquires Dihon


    Germany-based pharmaceutical giant Bayer has acquired all stocks of Dihon Pharmaceutical Group on Feb 26 and signed an equity transfer agreement.

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