China / Across America

Cleaning up polluted water gets a boost from brand new method

[2017-05-18 10:43]

A new technology has appeared to help China - and everyone - with their water pollution problems.

US forms Belt, Road group

[2017-05-16 10:34]

The United States has formed a working group to ramp up its companies' participation in the Belt and Road projects, a top official in the Trump administration said at a two-day Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing that wrapped up on Monday.

US-China trade could get Belt-Road lift

[2017-05-16 10:34]

China-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project not only has the potential to create a network of railways, roads, pipelines and utility grids linking Asia with Europe and Africa, it also could provide a boost to Sino-American trade, according to Xu Chen, president of the Bank of China USA and chairman of the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA.

Who's behind 'WannaCry' cyberattack?

[2017-05-16 10:08]

Washington - Cyber security researchers have found technical evidence they said could link DPRK with the global WannaCry "ransomware" cyber attack that has infected more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries since Friday.

Belt, Road looks good from Malaysia too

[2017-05-12 11:09]

Malaysia's ambassador to the United Nations is pretty certain about the benefits the Belt and Road Initiative will bring to the countries involved in its development, including Malaysia, one of the earliest participants to sign on.

TCL unveils new TV line-up

[2017-05-12 11:09]

Chinese electronics giant TCL announced Thursday that its new 4K HDR Roku TV models featuring Dolby Vision technology are available in the US market starting May 26.

The giants ships aren't on their way - they've already arrived

[2017-05-12 11:09]

It's 1,200 feet from stem to stern - four-football-fields long. Along its deck you could lay out end-to-end the Tower of Big Ben and the Statue of Liberty and still have room for the Washington Monument.

Chinese professor's lawsuit accuses FBI agent of falsifying evidence

[2017-05-12 11:09]

A Chinese professor who faced charges of espionage for selling scientific secrets to China that were later dropped has filed a lawsuit claiming that the lead FBI agent in his case falsified evidence and ignored warnings that he was innocent.

Yili eyes major US yogurt firm

[2017-05-12 11:09]

China's biggest dairy producer Yili Industrial Group Co has shown its ambition to consolidate its position and expand its production line with its latest overseas acquisition plans.

Comey sought more aid for probe: officials

[2017-05-11 11:01]

WASHINGTON - Days before he was fired by Donald Trump, FBI Director James Comey requested more resources to pursue his investigation into Russia's election meddling and the possible involvement of Trump associates, US officials said on Wednesday.

The man who brought Hunan cuisine to US leaves huge legacy at age 99

[2017-05-11 11:01]

The Chinese restaurant world has lost another legend.

Belt and Road has promise for Ethiopia, Africa: envoy

[2017-05-11 11:01]

The Belt and Road Initiative could advance Ethiopia's development as well as that of other African countries, Ambassador Tekeda Alemu, Ethiopia's permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Wednesday.
