China / Across America

Chinese banker advocates free trade at debate

[2016-10-07 10:49]

A senior Chinese banker championed free trade and globalization in Washington on Thursday while anti-trade and anti-globalization sentiment permeates major economies from the United States to United Kingdom.

Fox Chinatown piece stirs outcry

[2016-10-07 10:49]

A Fox News segment that makes fun of Asian stereotypes is causing outrage, and it's spread from the internet to the streets.

Comments on Fox News segment from around the country

[2016-10-07 10:49]

Bill O'Reilly and Jesse Watters have tried to downplay this segment as just good old-fashioned humor, but I have spent my entire adult life trying to push back the casual racism that they find so funny. Their piece was obviously racist and perpetuates harmful stereotypes against all Asian Americans."

Poll finds Asian-American voters lean toward Clinton

[2016-10-06 11:27]

Democrat Hillary Clinton is poised to capture an overwhelming number of Asian American voters in the US presidential race on Nov 8 over Republican Donald Trump, according to a new poll from APIAVote.

Museum celebrates Chinese food - in ceramic

[2016-10-06 11:27]

Sour, sweet, bitter and spicy as a Chinese idiom refer not only to the delicate balance of flavors that define Chinese cooking but also to the vicissitudes of life.

Ex-PM of Portugal in line to be UN sec'y general

[2016-10-06 11:27]

Former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Guterres is poised to be the next United Nations Secretary-General and is expected to be formally recommended to the 193-member General Assembly for election by the Security Council on Thursday, diplomats said.

Yuan is not manipulated: economist

[2016-10-06 11:27]

A top US economist has dismissed two US presidential candidates' accusations that China manipulates its currency.

Child adopted by Kentucky family ignites internet with love

[2016-10-06 11:27]

A Chinese saying has it that "Love knows no boundaries".

IMF Global growth remains 'subdued'

[2016-10-05 11:52]

Global economic growth is subdued, and economic stagnation could fuel stronger protectionism, according to a report released on Tuesday by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Elephants' biggest threats could be politicians and bureaucrats

[2016-10-05 11:52]

Representatives from 182 countries have been gathered in Johannesburg to take stock on how well we're preventing the planet's endangered animals and plants from going extinct.

Seattle real estate even hotter after BC tax

[2016-10-05 11:52]

Seattle, a popular destination for wealthy Chinese real estate investors, is heating up even more as a new tax across the border in Vancouver is sending more buyers to the Puget Sound.

Google takes on Apple, Amazon

[2016-10-05 11:52]

Alphabet Inc's Google on Tuesday announced a new "Pixel" smartphone and a suite of new consumer electronics products for the home, planting itself firmly in the hardware business and challenging Apple Inc's iPhone at the high end of the $400 billion global smartphone market.
