Opinion / From the Readers

China can attract translators

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-06-27 08:11

Comment on "China needs more professional translators" (China Daily, June 19)

As a professional linguist based in Beijing, I cannot agree with the article's assertions that few people want to study Chinese translation in Europe and that the Chinese language is extremely difficult. My point of view is just the opposite.

The day China promotes its beautiful landscapes abroad and truly opens its doors to visitors, more Westerners will want to study Chinese.

Daniel, on China Daily website

I'm an American student studying Chinese with the intention of working in Beijing. I think more Westerners would like to work as professional translators in China if it is willing to hire interpreters from abroad. It's a win-win situation for both.

David, on China Daily website

Readers' comments are welcome. Please send your e-mail to opinion@chinadaily.com.cn or letters@chinadaily.com.cn or to the individual columnists. China Daily reserves the right to edit all letters. Thank you.

(China Daily 06/27/2012 page11)

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