Opinion / From the Press

Cooperation to confront new challenge

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2012-09-06 21:34

The theme of the 20th APEC leaders summit in Vladivostok, Russia, "Integrate to Grow, Innovate to Prosper" is pertinent to and in line with the new trend of world economic development, says an article in People's Daily. Excerpts:

APEC economies should actively promote regional economic and trade integration by deepening cooperation in various fields with each other in the Asia-Pacific and finally establish a free trade zone in the region.

Only through intensive and close communication and cooperation can the economies realize prosperity by innovation and larger combined effects.

Relevant countries and regions should make joint efforts in building up reliable supply chains and strengthen infrastructure construction and deepen technological cooperation.

China has been actively cooperating in various fields among APEC members, such has logistics, agriculture and environmental technologies. China will also enlarge its input and deepen its involvement in the cooperation of APEC in the future.

APEC has been active for 23 years and plays important roles in promoting economic growth, communication and cooperation among members of the Asia-Pacific. The new challenge for it is to improve the quality and sustainability of regional growth and create a favorable environment for its members to transform their economies and upgrade industrial structures.

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