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China Daily Website

Christmas calling Chinese parents

Updated: 2012-12-21 07:05
By Mike Bastin ( China Daily)

Such is the emotional intensity of the experience of opening a present for a young child that it almost overtakes any consideration of what actually is hidden beneath the layers of wrapping. Christmas presents are more about the thoughts of loved ones than money or material value.

Chinese youngsters are similar to their Western counterparts. They, too, are driven by the attraction of a variety of presents and unalloyed happiness rather than by material gain.

At a time when Chinese parents appear to be working harder but, in the process, are widening the physical and mental distance between themselves and their offspring, a Christmas present will certainly contribute to a warmer and happier family environment and bring unlimited joy in their children's lives.

So, come on all you Chinese parents, add more light and color to your children's lives by buying them some Christmas presents. And be ready, camera in hand, when they open them, for the photographs will rank as the most prized ones in your life.

And Chinese fathers, could you please dress up as Santa Claus, complete with white beard and moustache, to give your children a pleasant surprise?

Christmas festivity will never replace Lunar New Year celebrations and Christmas presents can never rival the hong bao, but they can certainly bring some much-needed fun in your children's lives.

The author is a researcher at Nottingham University's School of Contemporary Chinese Studies.

(China Daily 12/21/2012 page9)

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