Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Connotations of Chinese Dream

By Cai Mingzhao (China Daily) Updated: 2013-12-09 07:19

By putting forward the Chinese Dream, President Xi opened a new chapter for the Chinese nation in the new century and has inspired the Chinese people to aspire for a beautiful life and the renewal of the nation.

The Chinese Dream has a strong appeal because our people are confident that it can come true. A survey conducted in June this year by the Guangdong Provincial Survey and Research Center revealed that most respondents endorsed the Chinese Dream and were optimistic about its realization. Specifically, 89.4 percent believed that the Chinese Dream could be realized.

People are confident in the Chinese Dream because we have found the correct road to realize it. That road is socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is built on experiences accumulated in the three decades of the reform and opening-up drive, in the more than 60 years of consistent refinement after the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the more than 170 years since the Opium War in 1840, and in the 5,000-year-long civilization of the Chinese nation. This road is based on both historical factors and existing realities.

Along this road, we have implemented the reform and opening-up policy for 35 years. During this period, China's GDP has increased 142 folds and urban residents' income 71 folds. People's living standards have been drastically improved, and so has our comprehensive national strength.

Now, we are closer to our dream and goals than ever. This makes people believe that as long as we follow the road of Chinese socialism, and expand and extend the road timely, the Chinese Dream can certainly be realized, and China's future will certainly be more beautiful.

The Chinese Dream has a strong appeal because our people support and trust the new central collective leadership. In the past year since the convening of the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee led by General Secretary Xi Jinping has broken new ground, introduced new work styles and made fresh progress in various fields.

The CPC Central Committee has adopted eight measures to combat corruption and launched "mass line" educational activities for the Party, so as to make sure that officials are honest, the government is clean and political affairs are handled with integrity.

The new central collective leadership's efforts to improve the governance system and enhance governing ability have brought profound changes to social life in China and further boosted the Chinese people's confidence in the realization of the Chinese Dream.

The Chinese Dream is immensely popular and inspiring among the Chinese people, because they are looking forward to our national rejuvenation, and to a beautiful and successful life. In the one year since the Chinese Dream was put forward, it has emitted great positive energy in the country.

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