Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Connotations of Chinese Dream

By Cai Mingzhao (China Daily) Updated: 2013-12-09 07:19

The Chinese Dream has motivated the Chinese people. It lays a blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and evokes people's unprecedented confidence and pride in our nation. It inspires people to work hard for a beautiful life.

Inspired by the Chinese Dream, more and more people have begun to chase their own dreams, including dreams to receive better education, start businesses, purchase homes and get rich. People firmly believe that as long as they work hard, their dreams would come true.

The Chinese Dream has become a driving force behind the deepening of the reforms. At the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee that concluded not long ago, the Decision on Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reforms was adopted.

It has responded to people's concerns and requests and has covered unprecedented reform issues, winning strong public support.

The Decision requires that the tasks to comprehensively deepen the reforms should be completed by 2020. The deadline is the same as that of building China into a moderately prosperous society in comprehensive aspects.

Such a broad consensus on comprehensively deepening the reforms has been reached because the reform measures will contribute to the realization of the Chinese Dream.

We can say that deepening the reforms will achieve the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Following this road, we can, step by step, reach our goal and realize our dreams.

The Chinese Dream gives CPC members a clearer understanding of their historical responsibilities. The CPC's fundamental mission is to serve the people. Its major goals are the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation and the happiness of the people.

The Chinese Dream proposed by President Xi has closely linked the CPC's policies and practices with the basic interests of the Chinese people, and tightly connected its destiny with the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people.

To strengthen Party building, the CPC has launched "mass line" education activities. This is to fight against formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance in the Party, and remove the dangers confronting the Party, such as a lack of drive, incompetence, being out of touch with the people, corruption and other misconducts.

Through a series of actions to rectify work styles and tighten disciplines, CPC members are more conscientious in upholding people's interests; and the CPC's appeal to the people and its governing ability have also increased measurably.

The Chinese dream proposed by President Xi has also caught international attention. I hope, through today's dialogue, more friends across the world will be able to understand the Chinese people's dreams, how they have chased the Chinese Dream and the profound changes brought about by the Chinese Dream.

I believe that the realization of a dream for 1.3 billion people will be a major event in the history of mankind. China will take on a new form and will make greater contribution to the world.

The author is minister of the State Council Information Office. The article is an excerpt of his speech at the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream in Shanghai on Saturday.

(China Daily 12/09/2013 page8)

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