Opinion / From the Readers

Terrorism has no place in society

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-03-11 07:32

Comment on "Railway attack orchestrated by Xinjiang separatists" (China Daily website, March 2)

Terrorists are trying to spread fear across China and they are killing innocent people to destabilize society. To deal with terrorists, the country has to be a step ahead of them, and root out terrorism before it causes more damage to the people and the country.

The government should use all security and intelligence means to track down and eliminate terrorists. We should learn from the United States how to contain and eliminate terrorists. Muslims in general are nice people. And since Muslim terrorists are misguided elements who could inflict harm on people, they must be put down before they unleash terror. Most importantly, Chinese authorities should vow to root out terrorism from society.

EASTSTAR, from China Daily forum

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(China Daily 03/11/2014 page10)

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