Opinion / Specials

China sees a growing number of returnees

(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-06-09 11:04
China sees a growing number of returnees
Sun Chi

I finally surrendered to my homesickness and the loneliness that always lingered in my brain after five-years of study and living in the Republic of Korea, the land of morning calm. I snatched up my baggage, and left for Beijing as soon as I got my master’s degree in Seoul in 2010.

I’m not able to pinpoint an exact reason why I preferred to leave, just as I can’t make it clear either why I chose to go. If I were asked to name only one reason for going back to China, it would be this - I did not make myself clear enough about the reason that I choose an overseas study, resulting in the loss of direction of my life and study, and a passive legacy on my career development in respect to age.

Great expectations of academic achievements, illusions of glorious foreign lifestyles, mingled with admiration of some acquaintances who already had studied abroad took their heavy toll on my overseas study, brining a barrage of both physical and psychological troubles.

I learned this cliché a hard way and I am trying to tell you that studying abroad is not an always a smart choice when the Chinese choose their future. A rational examination of your heart is a prerequisite.

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