Opinion / Hot Words

关键少数 (guanjian shaoshu): The key few

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-02-17 08:20

At a recent meeting of ministerial and provincial-level officials on promoting the rule of law, President Xi Jinping stressed that the Party's leaders and senior officials are "the key few" running State affairs in line with the law. The country's leaders and senior officials should set a good example and abide by the law and resolutely correct any behavior that is against the law.

It is important to promote respect for the law, to rule by the law and uphold everyone is equal under the law. It is the inescapable responsibility of the Party's leaders and officials to work according to the law. Whether the rule of law can be successfully promoted depends on whether the Party's leaders and officials abide by the law.

In recent years China has made great progress in implementing the rule of law and established a legal system with Chinese characteristics. But the phenomenon of "ruling by man" still exists in many places. Xi reminded the Party's leaders and officials to not only strictly abide by the law, but also to use their power properly within the legal framework.

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