2. White Pagoda Mountain Park

Located in the north of Lanzhou city, the White Pagoda Park gains its name for the 17-meter-high white pagoda standing inside. It is the landmark of Lanzhou city. The pagoda has a unique shape and exquisite structure, which is an excellent example of ancient pagodas. Standing on the top of White Pagoda Mountain, visitors can enjoy the bird' s eye view of the whole Lanzhou city.



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The famous white pagoda of the park. [Pei Qiang / IC]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The main gate of the garden. [Photo / Zhou Yang]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

Inner view of the white pagoda garden. [Photo / Zhou Yang]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The bird's eye view of the Lanzhou city. [Photo / Zhou Yang]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The view of the Lanzhou city. [Photo / Zhou Yang]



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