4. The scenery along the Yellow River

When you visit Lanzhou city, the scenery along the Yellow River should not be missed. The walk along the Zhongshan Bridge and the scenery of the waterwheel garden is impressive. What's more, the Sculpture of the Mother Yellow River is also a must-see. It was created by the famous sculptor He E. Composed of a mother and a baby, it has become a symbol of Lanzhou city.  



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The view of Zhongshan Bridge. [Photo / Zheng Shan]




Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The Yellow River flows under the bridge. [Photo / Zhou Yang]




Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River
The view of the Waterwheel Garden. [Ren Shichen / IC]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

A view of the Sculpture of the Mother Yellow River. [Photo / Zhou Yang]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

The sheepskin raft, made up of a dozen of inflated sheepskins, is a traditional transportation. [Yu Yongzhao / IC]



Lanzhou, city beside the Yellow River

For a cruise on the Yellow River, visitors can use a sheepskin raft. Riding on the raft is adventurous and fascinating.  [Bai Feng / IC]



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