Opinion / Hot Words

猪周期(zhū zhōuqī): Hog cycle

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-04-07 07:45

After several years of low prices, the price of pork rose this year to a new historical peak.

Reviewing the fluctuating pork prices in China, there is an obvious "hog cycle". In the last 15 years, there have been five of these cycles with peaks appearing in 2001, 2004, 2008, 2011 and this year. So each cycle lasts for about three years.

Analysts have said the rise in pork prices this time is due to the increased environmental protection requirements in many areas and the extreme weather after this year's Spring Festival, which resulted in a short supply of pigs in the market.

However, the drastic fluctuations in pork prices actually exposes the problem in China's pig industry. Agricultural experts point out that small-scale household pig raising accounts for a great proportion of the pig raising industry, which easily results in strong price fluctuations every few years.

The key to eliminate the negative impact of the pig cycle is to upgrade pig-raising industry and promote larger-scale operations.

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