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Sanmenxia's edible fungus exports approach $11m

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-08-21

By the end of July, edible fungus exports of Sanmenxia city, Henan province had reached 591 tons with a value of nearly 70 million yuan ($11 million), increasing by 24.7 percent and 35.1 percent in volume and price respectively over the same period last year, according to the Sanmenxia Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.

In July, exports reached 268.5 tons with a value of about 29 million yuan, and the number is expected to grow.

This year, the bureau continued to enhance the support of edible fungus exports and took measures to help maintain its stable growth. For example, it developed the Lvzhiyuan Specialty Co of Lushi county into the second edible fungus export enterprise following Sanmenxia Minyang Food Co.

What's more, it continually supported the construction of a government-lead edible fungus quality safety demonstration area.

So far, it has helped Lingbao city and Lushi county apply province-level and state-level shiitake quality safety demonstration zones. It also helps enterprises gain more supporting funds and improve quality control, which will benefit the export of edible fungus.

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