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Sanmenxia promotes fire safety on buses

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-06-29

Sanmenxia promotes fire safety on buses

A fire-prevention-themed bus is ready for use in Sanmenxia, Henan province. [Photo by Fang Lin and Lyu Bin/dahe.cn]

Sanmenxia, Henan province will organize a fire-control-themed bus fleet for the city's long term fire-fighting drive, the local fire department said on June 25.

The No 9 buses have been decorated in red, yellow and white. Comics illustrating fire hazards and promoting fire control have been printed inside the buses. Slogans promoting fire safety in daily life have also been placed in prominent positions, reminding residents to stay aware.

Residents can also follow the department's official WeChat account for more information by scanning the QR code on the bus.

The buses will soon be open to the public and will play an important part in preventing fires.

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