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WIPO Officers visit Shanghai IP administration

On June 30th, Lu Guoqiang, secretary general of Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Conference and director general of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration, met with Dr. Konji Sebati, senior executive of WIPO Global Issues Department.

Shanghai convenes the first patent situation press conference

On June 30th, Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration held the 2013 Shanghai Patent Situation Press Conference.

Business units become the cultivation markets for IP protection

On May 30th, the State Intellectual Property Office issued the Notice on Determining the First Batch of National-Level Standard Cultivation Market for Intellectual Property Protection and Starting Cultivation Work.

Shanghai held the 2014 Intellectual Property Joint Conference

On May 6, 2014, the 2014 Intellectual Property Joint Conference was held in Shanghai.

Shanghai holds Intellectual Property Situation Briefing in 2013

On April 25, 2014, the Intellectual Property Joint Conference Office of Shanghai City and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government held the 2013 Shanghai Intellectual Property Situation Briefing.

Shanghai publishes ten major typical intellectual property cases in 2013

Recently, the Intellectual Property Joint Conference Office of Shanghai City published the ten major typical intellectual property cases in 2013.

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