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Shanghai issues Intellectual Property White Paper in 2013

On April 18, 2014, the Intellectual Property Joint Conference Office of Shanghai City released the Shanghai Intellectual Property White Paper in 2013.

Shanghai gets office with collective IP management

Shanghai's Pudong New District launched an independent intellectual property office on Nov 16.

Shanghai trade zone gets an intellectual property office

There was an unveiling ceremony for the (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone’s new intellectual property office, in Shanghai, on Sep 26.

Judicial protection of IP rights base inaugurated

On Sept 25th, Shanghai Superior People's Court held an Inauguration Ceremony for Chinese Courts International Exchange Base (Shanghai) for Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights.

Vice Mayor meets with minister of intellectual property of the UK

On September 4th, Zhao Wen, vice mayor of Shanghai, interviewed Baroness Neville Rolfe and her party at the Municipal Government.

IP administrations investigate intellectual property protection

Recently, the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration and Shanghai Commercial Association conducted a field visit for the standardized market cultivation units of the first batch of Shanghai’s national-level intellectual property protection.

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