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Armstrong lawyer wants allegations 'dismissed'

Updated: 2012-06-24 07:42
(China Daily)

Seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong (pictured) asked a US Anti-Doping Agency review board on Friday to dismiss "spurious" allegations brought against him last week.

Armstrong's attorney Robert Luskin replied to USADA's claims that the famed US cyclist was part of a doping conspiracy in an 18-page letter obtained by the Washington Post and linked to Armstrong's Twitter account.

Luskin said USADA had not submitted proper evidence to support its claims that Armstrong was a dope cheat.

"USADA has submitted no evidence to support its spurious allegations," Luskin wrote.

Armstrong lawyer wants allegations 'dismissed'

"USADA must either submit the evidence it relies upon in its June 12 letter (accusing Armstrong) or the review board should summarily recommend that this matter be dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence."

Lawyers had asked USADA for its evidence but were not provided with details of the case assembled against Armstrong, they had said.

"To permit USADA to proceed without sharing its evidence would violate not only the clear language of the protocol but also our shared concepts of justice and fair play," Luskin wrote.

The three-member board is the USADA panel charged with considering evidence submitted by the organization and those it targets and judging if there is enough of a case to push forward with formal charges and a hearing.

If USADA files charges, a three-person arbitration panel could start considering Armstrong's case by November. Armstrong would be allowed to review the USADA evidence in advance and cross-examine any witnesses against him.

Such a case could end up at the Court of Arbitration for Sport and could result in the stripping of Armstrong's Tour de France titles and a life ban from competition if he is found guilty, although he has retired from cycling.

Armstrong has steadfastly denied doping allegations for many years and a US Justice Department investigation into doping claims was halted in February with no charges brought against him.

Agence France-Presse in Washington

(China Daily 06/24/2012 page12)

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