Re-creating a slice of Paris

Updated: 2016-06-24 07:49

By Chen Jie(China Daily)

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Re-creating a slice of Paris

Black ostrich feathers are cut and reworked before being appliqued onto a skirt. Black goose feathers painted with a motif evoking marble are re-cut and sewn onto the top. The cutting and positioning of the feathers requires 270 hours of work. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Commenting on the event, Stewart says: "The show reminds me of classical movies in which heroines are elegantly dressed in Chanel haute couture."

Giving her take on the show, Zhou Xun says: "This collection has many tweed coats and little black dresses that are very Chanel. The craftsmanship is really impressive."

Metiers d'Art is a French term that refers to craftsmanship that combines traditional skills with cutting-edge savoir-faire, transforming fashion materials into unique or limited-edition creations.

Since 1985, Chanel has used 11 such workshops, including a feather and flower maker, a knitwear workshop, a embroiderer, a jewelry and button maker, a pleat workshop and a goldsmith. They've become members of the label's lab of artisans.