Re-creating a slice of Paris

Updated: 2016-06-24 07:49

By Chen Jie(China Daily)

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Re-creating a slice of Paris

[Photo provided to China Daily]

WeChat is just one part of the brand's digital strategy in China, and instead of calling it e-commerce, Pavlovsky prefers to refer to it as "e-service".

"One thing which is important while developing customer relationships is to make them feel connected. Nowadays, we cannot skip social media. So we are developing a full set of services with new technology, including ephemeral boutiques, fashion apps, social media and websites with content adapted for each medium.

"Finally, we want them to come into the boutiques, to touch, to try and to see what we're doing."

The brand has also started to sell eyewear online in the United States. Hopefully this will be available in China soon.

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