Re-creating a slice of Paris

Updated: 2016-06-24 07:49

By Chen Jie(China Daily)

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Re-creating a slice of Paris

Black ostrich feathers are cut and reworked before being appliqued onto a skirt. Black goose feathers painted with a motif evoking marble are re-cut and sewn onto the top. The cutting and positioning of the feathers requires 270 hours of work. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Every December since 2002, Lagerfeld has chosen one city to present a Metiers d'Art show and celebrate this craftsmanship.

It is also a way to showcase the specialty couture ateliers that Chanel owns.

Last December, Lagerfeld chose Cinecitta Theatre No 5 in Rome for his show.

Cinecitta Theatre No 5 is the studio where Federico Fellini filmed his 1960s masterpieces La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2 and Cassanova.

Cinecitta was also home to the popular movie Roman Holiday.