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China Daily Website


Xinjiang fruits hit the market

Updated: 2009-07-21 19:26

The summer heat in Xinjiang may be unbearable to visitors. But it's a blessing to orchards throughout the autonomous region. Xinjiang's celebrated fruits are ripening and growers are very, very happy.

The Tuniyaz family in Aksu is very busy these days. The peaches, apricots and pears in their orchard are ready to pick. Fortunately, their 4 children are on summer holiday. The long days in the hot sun are worth it.

Tyniyaz Bake, A fruit grower in Aksu, said, "My family used to be quite poor. But we've been able to improve our living standard, thanks to the strong demand for Xinjiang fruit."

Tuisungul Tuniyaz, Tuniyaz Bake's daughter, said, "Great changes have taken place in our hometown these years. And our living conditions have improved a lot. Everyone here is wishing to see the prosperity of the town and the county."

It's also harvest time for Turpan's grapes, the sweetest in China. Orders are pouring in from around the country. Once the grapes are loaded, dealers transport them away without delay.

Zheng Xiaojing, a businessman from Hunan, said, "We got here about a week ago. We've been sending back a whole truck of grapes every day since then."

Hami melons are another Turpan specialty. Fruit dealers from around the country have been arriving since early July. In the city of Hami alone, over 500,000 tons of melon have been procured.
