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China Daily Website


The Week June 25, 2010

Updated: 2010-06-25 16:33
By Christie Lee (chinadaily.com.cn)

Heat wave

Yes, it's that time of year in Beijing, when summer temperatures start climbing. Chinese women use fashionable parasols to hide from the heat, while some Chinese men have been known to roll up their shirts and show us their bellies to keep cool. And who can't resist throwing themselves in the water to cool down.

If it's any consolation, there are hotter places than Beijing right now. In the US state of Texas, it can climb past 40 degrees Celsius -- that's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit -- and stay that way for weeks. They say it gets so hot in Texas, that chickens lay hard-boiled eggs. You can find Texans in China at Tim's Texas Bar-B-Q in Beijing. So when it comes to summer heat in China, the Week decided to go ask the experts – from Texas.

World Cup crazies

When it comes to the World Cup, the craziness just won't stop.

Here's Argentina on the practice field with way too many balls in play.

And here's someone with too many Lego toys recreating the World Cup game between the US and England.

And here's a pub quiz in Beijing, where the questions were all about the World Cup.

Great summer jobs

Of course, there are plenty of people who are looking for jobs when they're not staying up late to watch the World Cup in this tough economy. This week's winner of the best job is featured on chinasmack.com. She's a hotel test sleeper and media reports say she earns as much as 10,000 a month staying at hotels. There, she tests the beds and linens, watches TV, and makes sure the air conditioner and other equipment works. Where do we apply?

Rockin' robots

South Korea is gearing up for its International Robot Contest in October. The country's officials this month announced they will award cash to those who bring robots who can perform Tai Kwon Do, a traditional Korean martial art.

But for France, it's more about dancing than fighting.

At the 2010 World Expo under way in Shanghai, France celebrated its national pavilion day this week with 20 dancing robots.

You can see the dancing robots next month and again in the fall at the Shanghai Expo.

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The Week June 25, 2010

About the broadcaster:

The Week June 25, 2010

Renee Haines is an editor and broadcaster at China Daily. Renee has more than 15 years of experience as a newspaper editor, radio station anchor and news director, news-wire service reporter and bureau chief, magazine writer, book editor and website consultant. She came to China from the United States.
