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China Daily Website


Foreign detainees celebrate Christmas in Beijing

Updated: 2010-12-24 18:01
By Zhang Xiao (chinadaily.com.cn)

While Christmas is not traditionally celebrated in China, foreigners here can still enjoy the festive atmosphere -- even foreign detainees.

A special Christmas party was held at Beijing No 1 Detention Center one day before Christmas Eve, where some 40 foreign suspects detained there had the chance to celebrate this Western holiday with police guards.

They performed songs and dances from their own countries, and also expressed their appreciation to all the police guards in Chinese.

Beijing No 1 Detention Center has been holding Christmas parties for detainees since 2008. Before then, small-scale celebrations were held separately in individual cells.

Source: Beijing No 1 Detention Center

Video:Zhang Xiao

Producer:Flora Yue
