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( China Daily ) Updated: 2015-10-31 08:38:46

Modern dance - The Tea Spell in Beijing

Date: Nov 6-8 - 7:30 pm

Venue: Zhengyici Theater

Price: 280-580 yuan

The dance centers on the subtle shifts in a woman's heart during the Tang Dynasty. There is not a single word throughout the show, yet the audience is captured by the movements of the dancers clad in exquisite Tang attire. The Buddhist concept of zen and tea culture are merged together, symbolizing the integration of Buddhism into ancient Chinese culture as it is known today. The director weaves the two strands seamlessly together, one of love and one of zen. There have been many attempts to portray Chinese culture through dance in the past, and this show is certainly among the most successful. The Chinese spirit is embodied in the tea utensils and the movements of the performers. The director plans to stage the show again in Europe later this year.

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