WORLD> America
First draft on Zimbabwe sanctions completed by US
Updated: 2008-07-02 00:45

UNITED NATIONS  -- The United States has completed a first draft resolution proposing sanctions on Zimbabwe over Friday's presidential run-off election, Britain's UN ambassador John Sawers said on Monday.

British Ambassador to UN John Sawers enters the Friendship Hall to meet Sudanese officials in Khartoum June 4, 2008. [Xinhua]

"Our United States colleagues have drafted a first draft of a sanctions resolution which is being discussed over the next couple of days," Sawers told reporters on the sidelines of a Security Council meeting.

"We certainly support increasing the pressure on those in Zimbabwe who are responsible for subverting the elections and for creating a climate whereby the will of the Zimbabwean people was discarded as it was in Friday's election," he said.

Sawers said the council will wait to see what comes out of the African Union (AU) leaders summit on Monday and Tuesday.

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