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China Daily Website

  • China welcomes Durban outcomes

    2011-12-11 13:01

    China's top negotiator Xie Zhenhua welcomed the package of outcomes at the Durban climate conference, which made decisions on the arrangement of the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

  • Emission reduction efforts in China recognized

    2011-12-09 09:20

    Experts have said China has made great efforts in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and implementing clean energy.

  • Rich countries' coldness puts China's sincerity in vain

    2011-12-08 08:16

    Although China signaled its willingness to embrace a future treaty on emissions cuts, its sincerity will not win rich countries' co-op, which could mean a failure at the Durban talks.

  • BASIC countries united over climate

    2011-12-07 15:18

    Brazil, South Africa, India and China, known as "BASIC countries", remained united over major issues in relation to climate change, a senior Chinese official on climate change said here on Tuesday.

  • Blueprint sets out control of emissions

    2011-12-07 07:11

    China aims to reduce its carbon emissions for each unit of GDP by 17 percent by 2015 from 2010 levels, according to the blueprint.

  • Don't let Kyoto goals die away: UNEP

    2011-12-07 07:54

    The big challenge facing the ongoing global climate change talks in Durban is that the principles of the Kyoto Protocol should not be abandoned.

  • BASIC countries remain united over climate change

    2011-12-07 06:55

    Brazil, South Africa, India and China, known as "BASIC countries", remained united over major issues in relation to climate change.

  • China to accept binding climate treaty with conditions

    2011-12-06 13:59

    China will agree to participate in a legally binding treaty on climate change after 2020 under certain conditions, a senior Chinese official said here Monday.

  • Flexibility at Durban gives hope

    2011-12-06 06:58

    China's openness toward a legally binding climate deal that would come into effect after 2020 has given a boost to the ongoing climate change talks in Durban.

  • First China pavilion in COP launched in Durban

    2011-12-05 09:20

    The Chinese delegation to the 17th Conference of Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on Sunday launched the first China pavilion in COP in Durban.

  • Chinese company wins energy award

    2011-12-05 09:13

    Chinese company Suntech won a Gigaton Award on Sunday for outstanding business leadership in carbon emissions reduction.

  • China confident in the face of conflict

    2011-12-05 06:47

    Xie Zhenhua said he is upbeat about the possibility of progress as talks enter a second week.

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