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  • Russia recognises Libya's Transitional Council

    2011-09-01 15:11

    The Russian Foreign Ministry said Tuesday it has recognized Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) as the legitimate government of the north African country.

  • Gadhafi's son vows continued resistance

    2011-09-01 09:33

    In an audio tape broadcast on a Syrian TV channel, Saif al-Islam, the second son of toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, Wednesday urged Gadhafi's loyalists to continue resistance against the rebels.

  • Gadhafi attempts to enter Algeria: report

    2011-09-01 06:22

    Muammar Gadhafi was staying in a Libya-Algeria border area waiting for permission to enter Algeria, sources from the Algerian president's office said.

  • Libyan rebels say they're closing in on Gadhafi

    2011-08-31 11:18

    Libyan rebels say they're closing in on Muammar Gadhafi and issued an ultimatum Tuesday to regime loyalists in his hometown of Sirte, his main remaining bastion: surrender this weekend or face an attack.

  • Gadhafi's daughter gives birth in Algeria

    2011-08-31 08:18

    Muammar Gadhafi became a grandfather again on Tuesday when his daughter Aisha gave birth to a girl within hours of fleeing across Libya's desert border into Algeria, officials said.

  • UN outlines Libya's post-conflict future

    2011-08-31 08:08

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon and his advisor for post-conflict Libya said here Tuesday that they have plans for bringing an integrated, politically led mission to the troubled North African country.

  • Rebels demand Algeria return Gadhafi family

    2011-08-30 15:08

    Libya's rebels accused neighbouring Algeria of an act of aggression for admitting the fleeing wife of Muammar Gadhafi and three of his children, but the whereabouts of the former strongman himself remain a mystery a week after his overthrow.

  • Report: Gadhafi war crimes in Misrata widespread

    2011-08-30 13:09

    Forces loyal to fallen Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi committed a vast array of possible war crimes while battling rebels in Misrata, the country's third largest city, according to a report issued on Tuesday by a US-based human rights group.

  • Rebels seek to extradite Gadhafi family

    2011-08-30 10:42

    Libya's National Transitional Council said Monday it would demand the Algerian government hand over Muammar Gadhafi's family so that they could be tried in Libyan courts.

  • No sign that Gadhafi has left Libya: White House

    2011-08-30 08:55

    The US government has seen no indication that Muammar Gadhafi has left Libya, the White House said on Monday.

  • Gadhafi's family flee to Algeria

    2011-08-30 06:50

    Family members of Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi arrived on Monday in Algeria, the official APS news agency quoted an Algerian Foreign Ministry statement as saying.

  • Gadhafi's son Khamis dies in clash: media

    2011-08-30 06:42

    Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi's youngest son Khamis had been killed in a clash near capital Tripoli and were buried in Zlitan, media quoted rebel source as saying on Monday.

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