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  • Libyan rebels to unveil interim gov't within week: TV

    2011-09-12 09:51

    Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) will announce the establishment of an interim government one week to ten days later, Chairman of the NTC Mahmoud Jibril said Sunday in the capital of Tripoli, the pan-Arab al- Jazeera TV reported.

  • NATO denies telling Libya forces to quit Bani Walid

    2011-09-10 20:16

    NATO denied media reports on Saturday that it had told forces loyal to Libya's Transitional Council to pull back from the town of Bani Walid, in preparation for airstrikes by the military alliance, a NATO official said.

  • Libya power struggle threatens post-Gaddafi unity

    2011-09-10 15:30

    Libya's internationally backed interim council has yet to establish a credible administration in Tripoli, where makeshift armed brigades united only by the six-month struggle against Muammar Gadhafi are now jostling for influence.

  • Interpol issues Red Notice against Gadhafi

    2011-09-10 07:09

    The international police agency INTERPOL on Friday issued Red Notices for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, his son Saif Al-islam Gaddafi and former director of military intelligence Abdullah Al-Senussi as requested by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

  • ICC seeks Interpol help to arrest Gaddafi

    2011-09-08 23:00

    Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Thursday he has asked Interpol to help arrest embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi, his son Saif al-Islam and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi.

  • Libyan interim PM expected in Tripoli

    2011-09-08 21:47

    Libya's interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril will be in Tripoli on Thursday, his office said, on his first visit to the capital since Muammar Gadhafi was toppled after six months of civil war.

  • NATO: Libya mission continues until threat gone

    2011-09-08 21:45

    NATO will continue its mission in Libya as long as there is any threat to the country's population from forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi, the head of the western alliance said on Thursday.

  • Gadhafi slams escape to Niger on TV

    2011-09-08 16:39

    Libya's Muammar Gadhafi said in an audio message aired by Syria's Arrai TV Thursday that reports about his fleeing to Niger were lies and that the rebels and NATO would be defeated.

  • Niger says Gadhafi not in the country

    2011-09-08 09:54

    Niger said on Wednesday that Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi is not in the country.

  • Gadhafi still in Libya: Russian envoy

    2011-09-08 06:47

    Russian presidential envoy to Africa Mikhail Margelov said Wednesday Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi is still somewhere in the northern African country.

  • Libya's NTC delegation to visit Niger on sealing borders

    2011-09-07 20:55

    The Libyan rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) decided Wednesday to dispatch a delegation to Niger to demand the sealing of borders to prevent the escape of fallen Libyan leader Mummar Gadhafi, his family or his loyalists and discuss the issue of returning the smuggled money.

  • Gadhafi last tracked heading south

    2011-09-07 16:14

    Muammar Gadhafi was last tracked heading for Libya's southern border, the man leading the hunt for the deposed leader said.

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