World / Highlights

Search may expand to Indian Ocean

[2014-03-14 02:35]

A new search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean as authorities try to determine what happened to the missing Malaysian jet.

Anxious loved ones remain in seclusion

[2014-03-14 03:20]

In a leafy four-star resort in a Kuala Lumpur suburb, more than 50 journalists waited to tell a compelling story. Telephoto lenses bristled from palm leaves, pointing at members of Chinese families who were having breakfast on a terrace at the resort.

Prayers for missing flight MH370

[2014-03-13 08:23]

Residents of Yongzhoudao County, Hunan province, gather in a public square on March 12 to light candles and pray for the passengers and crew on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Report: Plane may have flown on for hours

[2014-03-13 13:13]

US investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours past the time it reached its last confirmed location.

China sends Qiandaohu supply ship to join search

[2014-03-12 18:50]

The Chinese Qiandaohu supply ship left China at 8:00am on Wednesday with the aim of replenishing – transferring fuel and stores - to Chinese ships searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

Images may not be linked to jet

[2014-03-13 09:50]

China's civil aviation chief says there's no evidence to suggest floating objects seen by a Chinese satellite were connected to MH370.

Boeing: jet not subject to check

[2014-03-13 05:48]

US airplane manufacturer says Malaysia Airlines jetliner didn't undergo a new safety directive that ordered additional inspections for cracking and corrosion on certain 777 planes.

Live: Fears for plane as contact lost

[2014-03-11 23:15]

A Chinese coast guard vessel in search of a missing Beijing-bound plane had covered a 200 square kilometer area as of 7:00 pm Sunday but no suspected target had been found.

Stolen passport holder not linked to terrorism

[2014-03-11 18:03]

Two men travelling on stolen passports on board the missing Malaysian airliner were Iranians with no apparent links to terror groups. Live report

Photos of stolen passport holders released

[2014-03-11 17:33]

Photo of men on board of MH370 with stolen passports released

Search for the missing Malaysia jet widens

[2014-03-11 16:16]

The so-far fruitless search for a missing Malaysian airliner entered its fourth day on Tuesday.

Scant evidence of attack found

[2014-03-11 10:07]

Officials say a young Iranian with a stolen passport who was a passenger on the missing Malaysian flight did not have terror links, and China has called on Malaysia to step up its search efforts.