World / Highlights

Malaysian PM says MH370 ended in ocean

[2014-03-24 22:02]

China urges Malaysia to provide all the information and evidence leading to the conclusion.

China seeks more evidence

[2014-03-25 00:46]

Chinese aviation expert says "considerable period of time" was required to verify Malaysia's conclusion that MH370 had ended in the sea.

China spots ‘suspicious objects’

[2014-03-24 12:24]

Chinese crew has reported the coordinates to the Australian command center as well as Chinese icebreaker Xuelong.

Satellite may help solve mystery

[2014-03-24 08:06]

France provides satellite images to Malaysia of objects that could be from a passenger plane that has been missing for more than two weeks.

Chinese aircraft starts search for missing jet

[2014-03-24 11:26]

A Chinese IL-76 aircraft flew into position off Australia on Monday morning and has started searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

More planes join ocean hunt for missing jetliner

[2014-03-23 14:34]

More planes joined the search Sunday of a remote patch of the southern Indian Ocean in hopes of finding answers to the fate of the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, after China released a satellite image showing a large object floating in the search zone.

Australia sees hope in MH370 search

[2014-03-23 14:23]

There was "increasing hope" of a breakthrough in the hunt for the missing Malaysian airliner after Chinese satellite images showed what could be debris in the southern Indian Ocean, says Aussie PM.

Chinese planes arrive in Perth to step up search efforts

[2014-03-22 19:30]

Two Chinese Air Force planes arrivedat the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Pearce Air Force base to drive the search for signs of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Chinese satellite spots possible debris

[2014-03-22 18:23]

China confirms that one of its satellites has seen a 22m by 13m object floating in the southern Indian Ocean, possibly linked to missing flight MH370.

Beijing beefs up hunt for jetliner

[2014-03-22 09:07]

Five Chinese naval ships and three helicopters have been redirected to the southern Indian Ocean to help in the search for two large objects spotted by satellite that may be related to the missing Malaysian plane.

Families blister high officials

[2014-03-22 01:35]

Family members of passengers aboard Malaysian Airlines’ missing flight MH370 questioned a special envoy team from Malaysia about its government’s failure to release timely information.

Icebreaker heads for southern Indian Ocean for missing jet

[2014-03-22 08:45]

China's Antarctic research icebreaker, Xuelong, departs from the Australian city of Perth for the southern Indian Ocean after receiving emergent supplies on Friday and is expected to reach the new search area in four days for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Nine emergency teams have been set up on the vessel.