World / Highlights

One year on, MH370 theories abound

[2015-03-05 17:41]

Speculation about what happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 ranges from sober, science-based arguments to outlandish conspiracy theories.

One year on, MH370 scar still hurts

[2015-03-06 15:18]

On the one-year anniversary of MH370's missing, let's look back at the accident, investigation, and family stories in memory of the 239 lives.

Alien abduction? Stolen? MH370 theories keep coming

[2015-03-05 11:25]

A year on from the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, an extraordinary amount of key data remains unknown - fuelling conspiracy theories and heated online debate about one of aviation's biggest mysteries.

Premier urges Malaysia to continue search

[2015-01-29 18:10]

Chinese premier Li Keqiang urged Malaysia to locate the bodies as well as the wreckage "by all possible means" and pay compensation.

Australian gov't reiterates commitment to search for MH370

[2015-01-30 14:18]

The Australian government remains committed to the search for MH370, the Joint Agency Coordination Center for the search of MH370 said in a statement on Friday.

Stories of some MH370 passengers

[2015-01-30 08:22]

On March 8, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines jet fl ying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing lost contact with air traffic control over the South China Sea. The aircraft was carrying 239 people, including 154 Chinese passengers. Search operations, in the Indian Ocean area southwest of Perth, Australia, found no trace of the aircraft.

Interim report to be released on March 7

[2015-01-28 14:06]

Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation will release an interim report on the investigation into the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on March 7.

Australia confident of finding MH370

[2015-01-17 09:03]

Missing airliner MH370 is "very likely" to be found if it lies in the undersea zone now being scoured, and is probably in good condition despite being submerged for 10 months, the Australian search chief said.

Malaysia Airlines website hacked by group 'Cyber Caliphate'

[2015-01-26 14:51]

The official website of national carrier Malaysia Airlines was hacked on Monday by a group calling itself the "Official Cyber Caliphate".

Memories rekindled forMH370 relatives

[2014-12-29 07:07]

News that another airliner was missing on Sunday stirred up sad memories for 23-year-old BaiJie.

Families still hold out hope for news

[2014-12-29 04:28]

The skies were clear in Malaysia late in the evening of March 7 as Hou Aiqin passed through the security checks at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. She was due to take Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, bound for Beijing, scheduled to take off at 1:41 am minutes on March 8.

Key vessel rejoins search efforts

[2014-11-17 11:03]

Surveying vessel Fugro Equator has returned to the Southern Indian Ocean to continue its search for wreckage from missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.