World / Search

China has employed vast resources for MH370 search: envoy

[2014-03-27 18:35]

China deploys 21 satellites, over 10 ships and dozens of planes in search for missing flight MH370, said Zhang Yesui, Chinese special envoy dealing with MH370-related issues in Kuala Lumpur.

Chinese military works with foreign forces in MH370 search

[2014-03-27 18:22]

The Chinese armed forces have kept close contact with militaries and defense departments of other countries in the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, said a Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman on Thursday.

Thai satellite detects 300 floating objects

[2014-03-27 17:13]

Weather frustrates Thursday's hunt for flight MH370, as a Thai satellite captures images of about 300 objects in the Indian Ocean near the search area.

Bad weather suspends search for missing plane

[2014-03-27 13:24]

The search in the southern Indian Ocean for signs of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was suspended Thursday due to bad weather.

More Chinese ships sailing to search area

[2014-03-26 16:54]

Chinese warship Jinggangshan is cruising at full throttle toward where an intensive search is under way for missing MH370.

Search operation for MH370 continues

[2014-03-26 14:13]

A total of six countries are now assisting in the search and recovery operation

Four aircraft reach area for MH370 search

[2014-03-26 13:08]

Four aircraft have flown into position in the southern Indian Ocean to search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Chinese aircraft reaches target areas for MH370 search

[2014-03-26 09:35]

A Chinese IL-76 aircraft reached the target area in the southern Indian Ocean on Wednesday morning and has begun searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Search for MH370 wreckage resumes

[2014-03-26 09:10]

The multinational hunt for wreckage of the Malaysia Airlines flight has resumed off Western Australia's coast following weather condition improvement.

Australia will do everything to locate MH370 debris

[2014-03-25 13:56]

Australian Defence Minister David Johnston said that his country is "doing everything we can" to search for debris of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Chinese icebreaker continues search for MH370

[2014-03-25 11:50]

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong pressed ahead with the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.

US sends black box locator, undersea vehicle to Australia

[2014-03-25 09:50]

Pentagon spokesman said the US has sent a towed pinger locator, an autonomous underwater vehicle to Australia in case the equipment is needed to search for the black box of MH370.

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