World / Search

MH370 search to be privatized

[2014-06-04 13:55]

Three months after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished without a trace, search coordinators in Australia, Wednesday, released a request for tender to continue the as yet unsuccessful deep-water search in the Southern Ocean.

Li urges Malaysia to make a new plan for MH370 hunt

[2014-05-29 19:57]

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang urges Malaysia to take the lead and come up with a new search plan for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

MH370 plane search ends in 'ping' zone

[2014-05-29 15:24]

Australia says an area where acoustic signals thought to be linked to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane were detected can now be ruled out as the plane's final resting place.

China urges continuous MH370 search

[2014-05-27 21:59]

China hopes Malaysia will work with all sides concerned to continue searching for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, a Chinese military leader said on Tuesday.

Search for MH370 heads to site of first 'ping'

[2014-05-11 11:18]

An Australian naval vessel carrying an underwater drone involved in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane aims to scan part of the Indian Ocean where the longest sonar "ping" was heard on April 5.

Malaysian plane's likely flight path gets 2nd look

[2014-05-05 14:17]

An international panel will re-examine data gathered in the search for the missing jet to ensure crews have have been looking in the right place.

Trilateral talks on MH370 search start

[2014-05-05 11:26]

The trilateral ministerial talks among China, Malaysia and Australia on the search of misalign Malaysian Airline flight MH370 started in the Parliament House in Canberra Monday morning.

China to go all out for underwater search

[2014-05-03 10:49]

China will go all out for underwater search for flight MH370, according to China Maritime Search and Rescue Center.

Search for missing MH370 enters new phase

[2014-04-30 11:13]

International and Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) air crews and officials, that participated in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370, pose for a photograph on the tarmac at the RAAF Base Pearce, located north of Perth.

Japan requests to join expert panel on MH370 probe

[2014-04-29 17:18]

Malaysian Defence Minister said that Japan had requested to participate in the international expert panel for the missing plane investigation during his meeting with his Japanese counterpart Itsunori Onodera.

Search for missing Malaysia plane enters new phase

[2014-04-28 13:26]

A new phase of searching a missing Malaysia plane would focus on a far larger area of the Indian Ocean floor, which could take about six to eight months.

Bluefin-21 continues to search near focused area: JACC

[2014-04-28 11:35]

Bluefin-21 has completed mission 15 with no results and has commenced mission 16 on Monday morning.